
02 Aug 2016

02/08/16 - NIPE SMART IT update

Public Health England (PHE) announces an updated version of the Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) Screening Management and Reporting Tool (SMART) IT system! The update is available to users from 2 August 2016. Further information:

01 Aug 2016

30/07/16 - Sibling support and children with congenital heart disease (CHD)

Children with congenital heart disease (CHD) and their siblings inspire us with their resilience each day! Would you like to find out how to better read the signs and help a sibling to a heart child? Further information:  

29 Jul 2016

18/07/16 - Congenital heart disease (CHD) report

The link below is to the report of the national panel that reviewed provider self-assessments against the congenital heart disease standards. Further information:

17 Jul 2016

11/07/16 - Congenital Heart Disease Standards & Specifications

This is a link to the standards that were drafted and agreed by clinicians and patients from all units and which NHS England used to make their recommendations. Further information:

10 Jul 2016

07/07/16 - CHF comment on decision of the Specialised Services Commissioning Committee (SSCC)

We congratulate NHS England on its thorough review of congenital cardiac services and we are very pleased to see the SSCC making tough but very necessary decisions that will bring the congenital heart disease service closer to meeting the agreed standards of care. We recognise that by making clear that some hospitals do not and […]

10 Jul 2016

07/07/16 - Congenital cardiology 3D printing techniques & imaging science

A 3D congenital cardiology research study cited in the ‘Journal of Clinical Imaging Science’ identifies how medical imaging has been ‘revolutionised by three-dimensional (3D) imaging techniques’. The research study authors from Leuven acknowledge however, that ‘visualisation of the 3D content on two-dimensional flat screens’ is creating limits. ‘3D-printing of graspable models could become a feasible […]

06 Jul 2016

05/07/16 - Congenital Cardiac Nurses Association (CCNA) Conference 2016

The Congenital Cardiac Nurses Association (CCNA) Conference takes place at: The Charles Hastings Building, University of Worcester on Weds 6th July 2016! Keynote speakers include: Professor Alison Twycross Head of Children’s Nursing & Reader in Children’s Pain Management, London South Bank University ‘The Future of Nursing: challenges for those caring for children and young people’ […]

10 Jul 2016

04/07/16 - Profound Thank You

CHF send a profound thank you to Ruth Lowe. Ruth, a Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) bereavement supporter and retired teacher from Preston has been recognised as the UK’s 530th Point of Light. Ruth’s only son, Andrew passed away from young sudden cardiac death in 2004. From this deep loss, Ruth stoically set about extensive fundraising […]

08 Jul 2016

30/06/16 - The patient first

CHF are interested to hear the outcome of the Bristol review and note that improvements have been made to the service since 2014. However, we would point out that congenital cardiac services must be one of the most reviewed services in the UK. We are currently waiting to hear how, and when, the  new standards […]

03 Jul 2016

28/06/16 - NIPE e-learning module

The NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) e-Learning module is a free training resource which launched on 25 November 2013. Are you a student midwife? Please speak to your lead midwife for education as you may be eligible to access this NIPE resource. So far only 12 out of 45 eligible universities (26.6%) have students […]

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