CHF families and friends at Whitemoor Lakes activity day
CHF families and friends at Whitemoor Lakes activity day


1 in 100 babies in the UK are born with a heart condition, between 500 - 1000 develop heart conditions after they are born.

CHF is the leading UK children’s heart charity - supporting these children and their families.


News & Events :       view all news & events

03/02/25   Turning Adversity into Purpose

Well Financial and CHF team up When Chris Harland, a director at Well Financial, experienced a heart attack last year, it was the last thing he expected. Chris was 48, in good health, active and ran a marathon 18 months before! Not the kind of person you’d never imagine facing such a life-threatening event. Yet, […]

31/01/25   Heart Month 2025

  Each year, National Heart Health Month is observed in February. During this time, awareness of congenital and acquired heart conditions in children are bought to the fore. This year we are exploring the fascinating ways mental health and heart health are connected, and how small shifts in mindset, lifestyle, and self-care can strengthen both. […]

Contact :

Children’s Heart Federation:
Suite 12
The Centre,
Lakes Industrial Park

Freephone Infoline :
0300 561 0065
Please leave a message and we will return your call.

Office Tel :
0300 561 0065