May 17th 2012 - Think HEART Campaign
The Children’s Heart Federation launched a new national information campaign directed towards parents and medical professionals. The Think HEART campaign aims to empower and inform parents, as well as better educate medical professionals about the key early signs of a possible heart problem in children. There are five easy to spot signs to help parents […]
Aug 16th 2012 - Pulse oximetry Campaign
CHF continues to campaign for routine pulse oximetry screening for critical heart defects in newborn babies. Pulse oximetry screening is a safe, painless and simple test that has been shown, in research studies involving almost half a million babies, to identify consistently babies with life-threatening heart defects (critical congenital heart defects or CCHD) before they […]
Oct 17th 2012 - INR self-monitoring Campaign
The campaign for the provision of INR machines continues, if you would like to be involved or support the campaign email Background Warfarin is an anticoagulant (blood thinner). It is used to stop the blood from clotting too easily. It also prevents harmful clots from forming and getting bigger in the blood. If blood […]
Apr 26th 2022 - Tell your MP to #SENDABetterMessage
Some but not all children with heart conditions are disabled, but please join CHF in supporting the Disabled Children’s Partnership to help create a fairer support system for all disabled children and their families. The Disabled Children’s Partnership (DCP) is calling on the government to use its SEND reform programme to create a more just, […]
Jan 19th 2022 - CHF Research Projects – tell us what you think about long term medicines for children
Through our work we have learned that there can be practical and emotional issues, as well as some positive experiences, that parents/carers encounter when giving long term medicines to children. We have therefore decided to support the running of a survey aimed at parents/carers of children on long term medicines designed to help us understand your […]