The patient first

CHF are interested to hear the outcome of the Bristol review and note that improvements have been made to the service since 2014.

However, we would point out that congenital cardiac services must be one of the most reviewed services in the UK.

We are currently waiting to hear how, and when, the  new standards of care which were agreed two years ago will be introduced and several parent support groups have expressed concern about whether some of the centres will ever meet the standards.

This is a small, specialised service which should be planned and delivered nationally. We are disappointed that managers and clinicians providing the service cannot agree on how that should happen, leaving each hospital trust doing ‘their own thing’.

We are concerned that this variation in care will result in a significant variation in outcome and hope that at some point soon NHS Leaders from board level to front line clinicians will develop a national service and culture of care that really puts the patient first.

To make any comments, please email:

The Bristol Review:–FINAL-REPORT.pdf

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