Caring for Heart Children
This section contains information sheets on the topics raised most often on the Infoline.
Talking with doctors and nurses
Before birth
- When your baby has a potential heart condition
- What causes congenital heart conditions?
- Prenatal diagnosis
Medicines, devices, equipment and surgery
- Medicines for heart children
- Warfarin
- Immunisations
- Pacemakers
- Heart transplants
- Preparing your child for surgery
Scars and congenital heart disease (CHD) surgery
Transition: The move from paediatric to adult congenital heart disease (CHD) services
- Feeding children with heart conditions
- Tube feeding children with heart conditions
- Heart-Healthy Recipes for children with heart conditions
Dental health
- Template for an IHP heart related (produced by Little Hearts Matter)
- Template for an IHP generic health condition (produced by the Health Conditions in Schools Alliance)
- Information for teachers
- Nursery and early years
- Special educational needs and Educational Healthcare Plans
Tattoos and body piercing
Finance and benefits
- Working with a heart child
- Disability Living Allowance
- Grant / Funding Opportunities
Family members
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If you require any of our information sheets in another language please email us stating what information sheet and language you require.