Feb 08th 2023 - CHF are recruiting for three new steering groups
Help CHF and children with heart conditions nationwide by sharing your experience in one of our steering groups. CHF are aiming to recruit for three new steering groups that will advise on issues relating to children with congenital or acquired heart conditions through lived and professional experience. We want to hear from: Young people with […]
Feb 22nd 2021 - World-first paediatric heart transplant technique boosts number of life-saving operations for children in the UK
Using a technique that ‘reanimates’ the heart outside of the body, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Royal Papworth Hospital and NHS Blood & Transplant expand the donor pool and perform six paediatric heart transplants in 2020 Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and Royal Papworth Hospital (RPH) have collaborated to introduce a world-first paediatric heart transplant technique […]
Aug 29th 2018 - Dominic’s story – told by Fran
Told by his mother Fran. The twenty week scan. A chance to see our miraculous second baby, conceived naturally after years of treatment to have our first son. Our excitement soon faded, seeing the colour drain from the sonographer’s face as she told us she couldn’t find the baby’s heart. We then waited with bated […]