Feb 08th 2023 - CHF are recruiting for three new steering groups
Help CHF and children with heart conditions nationwide by sharing your experience in one of our steering groups. CHF are aiming to recruit for three new steering groups that will advise on issues relating to children with congenital or acquired heart conditions through lived and professional experience. We want to hear from: Young people with […]
Feb 02nd 2023 - On His Majesty’s Congenital Heart Service
As part of CHF’s mission to ensure that those affected by congenital heart conditions, and childhood acquired heart conditions, are recognised, supported and have the same opportunities as everyone else, CHF’s Chair and Vice-Chair of Trustees have engaged with the British Cardiovascular Society for many years. Working with other patients, and ably supported by others […]
May 25th 2022 - Dominic’s story – told by Dominic
Dominic Davies aged 21 tells the story of his heart condition, his heart transplant and why he supports the law change relating to organ donation Hearing that there’s something very wrong with your baby’s heart must be terrifying. That’s what my mum was told at her routine scan when she was 20 weeks pregnant with […]
Aug 13rd 2020 - Can you help us improve the quality of services for congenital heart disease?
The Children’s Heart Federation are involved in a new study called CHAMPION to try to improve how the quality of services for congenital heart disease (CHD) is measured and reported in England. We want to hear your views on what makes services good quality, which includes understanding how COVID-19 has affected your experience of health […]