
28 Sep 2012

28/09/12 - The Huddersfield Daily Examiner – Holmfirth mother Gilly Mallinson puts her heart into helping others

A HOLMFIRTH woman with a heart condition put her own problems aside to help others. Gilly Mallinson was born with a serious heart condition and has twice had open heart surgery. But she took part in the Great North Run to raise awareness and money for the Children’s Heart Federation, a charity which supports children […]

27 Sep 2012

27/09/12 - Now Wash Your Hands

October 15th 2012 marks the fifth Global Handwashing Day.  While this campaign is primarily designed for developing countries where sanitation is sometimes poor it’s a good reminder of the vital importance of handwashing. CHF is supporting the Global Handwashing Day campaign because the sheer weight of evidence shows that good hand hygiene is key to preventing infections of all kinds, including […]

25 Sep 2012

25/09/12 - The Yorkshire Times – Children’s Heart Unit Closure: We’ve Got To Talk

By Steve James – Features Editor Truth, they say, is the first casualty of war. And how true that must seem to the neutral onlooker – if any remain – trying to make sense of the battle now looming between those who wish to keep children’s heart surgery in Leeds, and those who believe, just as […]

25 Sep 2012

25/09/12 - The Press – Charities step into children’s heart surgery unit row

In a joint statement, the bosses of the Children’s Heart Federation, the Down’s Heart Group and Max Appeal, said action launched by hospitals such as Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) was “extremely disappointing” and that it could delay “vital improvements to children’s heart services”.

23 Sept 2012

23/09/12 - London Triathlon 2012 – Gallery

Check- out our Triathalon Gallery for 2012.  With special thanks to all our runners including: Oliver, Sophie and Liz.   Here’s what Sophie had to say: “I have started to make a bucket list and decided that doing something sporty for charity should be on that list.  Reading The Metro one day, nestled amongst all […]

21 Sep 2012

21/09/12 - National Children’s Heart Charities Voice Serious Concerns over Possible Further Legal Action

For Immediate Release It is extremely disappointing that possible legal action could delay further vital improvements to children’s heart services. Children have waited too long for change and another protracted legal battle is the last thing families want. As national children’s heart charities we remain deeply concerned that children still do not have access to […]

17 Sep 2012

17/09/12 - Crawley Happy Times – MP backs charity’s campaign to boost early diagnosis of children’s heart conditions

Henry Smith MP has this week backed a new campaign which seeks to increase early diagnosis of children’s heart conditions. Henry commented: “I’m delighted to support the Think HEART campaign as it’s clearly a fantastic cause. I’m helping to spread the message in Crawley to as many parents as possible so that we can increase […]

12 Sep 2012

17/09/12 - Bexley Times – Old Bexley and Sidcup MP James Brokenshire supports children’s heart campaign

  A campaign aimed at increasing early detection of children’s heart problems has gained the support of Old Bexley and Sidcup MP James Brokenshire. The Think HEART campaign was launched by charity the Children’s Heart Foundation with the intention of warning parents of signs of a potential heart condition. Mr Brokenshire said: “I’m pleased to […]

17 Sep 2012

17/09/12 - Children’s Heart Federation statement about possible further legal action over Safe and Sustainable

The Children’s Heart Federation (CHF), theUK’s largest children’s heart charity, is disappointed that proposed legal action could further delay vital improvements to children’s heart services. Children and families have waited too long for change and a protracted legal battle could put children’s lives at risk. We remain deeply concerned that children still do not have […]

16 Sep 2012

16/09/12 - Great North Run 2012 – Gallery

Read about our great Great North Runners and why they took part… Gillian Mallinson I was born with the heart condition Biscupid Aortic Valve and Coarctation of the Aorta. I had open heart surgery at the age of 13 to repair my valve and again in 2009 to replace my valve with a mechanical one. […]

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