
Feb 2011

01/02/11 - Bournemouth Daily Echo

  “Television star Debra Stephenson made an instant impression on primary school pupils when she helped them create cuddly Valentine’s Day gifts for children suffering from congenital heart defects. The Coronation Street and Bad Girls actress took time off to visit the Build- A-Bear Workshop in Commercial Road, Bournemouth, where she met foundation year pupils from […]

15 Oct 2010

15/10/10 - Children’s Heart Federation comment on paediatric cardiac surgery at the John Radcliffe Hospital

For immediate release – Friday 15 October 2010 Children’s Heart Federation (CHF) accepts that in order to achieve the highest possible clinical standards in children’s heart surgery, there needs to be a reorganisation of the national paediatric heart care service that results in fewer, larger surgical units, each of which would have a team of […]

04 Oct 2010

04/10/10 - Consultation response on ‘Liberating the NHS’ White Paper

Response to:  Equity and excellence: Liberating the NHS  Vision   We welcome all the elements of the vision of an NHS laid out at 1.10, except for ‘puts clinicians in the driving seat’. We contest the polarisation ‘clinicians good, managers bad’ advanced by this strategy. We support a competency-based approach to the National Health Service, […]

29 Jul 2010

29/07/10 - Take the ‘Make a Difference Mile’ challenge to help a heart child this weekend

29th June 2010  Children’s Heart Federation (CHF) is urging local people to help veteran runner,Paul Willgoss, make a final push to the finishing line of his twelve-month long-distance campaign to raise money for children with a heart condition by taking the ‘Make a Difference Mile’ challenge at the East Midlands Designer Outlet on Saturday 3 […]

29 Jul 2010

29/07/10 - Don’t scapegoat Oxford Heart Unit, urges charity

Children’s Heart Federation welcomes the continued suspension of the paediatric cardiac surgical service at the John Radcliffe Hospital until the outcome of the current Safe and Sustainable Review is known, and urges clinicians and health service planners to apply learning from Oxford across the national heart surgery service and to implement the agreed service standards, […]

12 Jul 2010

12/07/10 - White paper puts heart children at risk in scramble to save costs, warns charity

Children’s Heart Federation, the leading national charity supporting children and young people with a heart defect, warns that patients with the rarest conditions could suffer in the move to GP commissioning announced by today’s health White Paper. In all their years of general practice, family doctors may only see cases of a rare condition, including […]

Jun 18th 2010 - Foetal Heart Development Study

The UK centre for the study of the genetics of multifactorial diseases is currently engaged in research into the genetics behind why some babies are born with heart defects, with the ultimate aim of preventing them altogether. In most cases, congenital heart disease develops because something has gone wrong during the crucial stage in foetal […]

26 Apr 2010

26/04/10 - Be part of the ‘Big Surprise’ in Children’s Heart Week

For immediate release 26 April 2010   Children’s Heart Federation, a group of charities working to improve the lives of children with a heart condition, invite local people to be part of the ‘Big Surprise’ during Children’s Heart Week, 8-16 May, by holding a ‘Teddy Bear’s Picnic’ or ‘Bring a Bear to Work’ day to […]

26 Apr 2010

26/04/10 - ‘Big Surprise’ during Children’s Heart Week

Children’s Heart Federation, a group of charities working to improve the lives of children with a heart condition, invite local people to be part of the ‘Big Surprise’ during Children’s Heart Week, 8-16 May, by holding a ‘Teddy Bear’s Picnic’ or ‘Bring a Bear to Work’ day to raise funds and awareness. While Election Fever […]

Mar 2010

01/03/10 - The Telegraph – Ministers ignored safety warnings for years over children’s heart surgery

Ministers repeatedly ignored warnings about the safety of Britain’s child heart surgery units, it can be revealed. By Laura Donnelly, Health Correspondent 9:00PM GMT 06 Mar 2010   In 2001, a public inquiry into the deaths of dozens of babies at Bristol Royal Infirmary said cardiac units should be barred from carrying out paediatric surgery unless they met safety […]

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