
29 Jan 2016

21/01/16 - Atrial septal defects research study

Has your child being diagnosed with Atrial Septal Defect Secundum (ASD II)? Would you like to take part in an half hour telephone call and be part of a research project that is looking at treatment pathways for ASD II? Thomas Schaldecker is a student of medicine and health economics at Heidelberg University and is […]

27 Feb 2016

20/01/16 - Cardiomyopathy Information Days

Families with a young child or young person diagnosed with cardiomyopathy may find these forthcoming FREE Cardiomyopathy Information Days of use as they offer an opportunity to ask all the questions that have been reeling around in our mind. A child’s experience of cardiomyopathy will depend on  the ‘type of cardiomyopathy, symptoms, severity of disease, […]

19 Jan 2016

15/01/16 - APPG on Heart Disease

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Heart Disease will be meeting on: 19 January 2016 At: Macmillan Room, Portcullis House   From: 15:00 – 16:30 Please contact your MP and ask them to come along and visit CHF’s stand. The more MPs that hear and act on our CHD information campaign, the better we serve our CHD […]

25 Jan 2016

13/01/16 - Management of Heart Failure in Primary Care

A conference addressing the ‘Management of Heart Failure in Primary Care’ will take place in Birmingham on: 25 – 28 January 2016  Please note last bookings will need to be made by: 22 January 2016. This course is suitable for nurses, health care professionals and doctors within primary and community care. It’s learning outcomes include […]

15 Jan 2016

06/01/16 - Communicating surgery outcomes

Are you a heart parent and would like to help improve communicating surgery outcomes of heart children? Academics from University College London and University of Cambridge are working with the charity Sense about Science to build a website to help people make sense of children’s heart surgery outcomes that the UK national audit body publish […]

8 Jan 2016

01/01/16 - CHF’s call to action in 2016

CHF wishes you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR! We’re looking forward to making every day count in terms of CHD policy and research in 2016! Join our call to action to: Think CHD Think HEART Think Action! CHF’s Think HEART campaign aims to empower and inform parents as well as educate medical professionals about […]

31 Dec 2015

22/12/15 - Christmas & New Year

CHF hopes all our wonderful CHD children and families have had a wonderful Christmas; are still enjoying the Christmas holidays and are now looking forward to starting a soon to be New Year 2016! Please know that should you have any general enquiries you are welcome to continue contacting CHF via email over the Christmas […]

26 Dec 2015

21/12/15 - New Peter Pan

‘Peter and Wendy’, a new version of J.M Barrie’s ‘Peter Pan’ will be shown on Boxing Day on ITV. Zac Sutcliffe and Hazel Doupe are the two exciting young talents that will be starring as Peter Pan and Wendy Darling. And Wendy in this version will be a 12 year old recovering from a heart […]

25 Dec 2015

18/12/15 - BIG thank you APC Cardiovascular!

APC Cardiovascular, a leading supplier of innovative medical products and equipment to the UK and international markets, are kindly donating to the Children’s Heart Federation (CHF) in lieu of sending Christmas cards. CHF says a massive THANK YOU to APC Cardiovascular! Your amazing Christmas spirit and kind hearted actions will help congenital heart disease (CHD) […]

21 Dec 2015

17/12/15 - Barth Syndrome Trust International

If you would like to find out more about Barth Syndrome, please know that the Barth Syndrome Trust has a network of international members. These include doctors and scientists as well as families and volunteers from all around the world. If you are seeking information or support, you are now welcome to access these in […]

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