
21 Jul 2017

18/07/17 - CHD Information Service via Factsheets

Did you know the Children’s Heart Federation (CHF) offers an information service including factsheet sets about heart conditions and caring for heart children that are free to download and share? Further information:

21 Jul 2017

18/07/17 - CHD & Neurodevelopmental Outcomes

  Research cited in ‘The Journal of Pediatrics’ addresses ‘Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Children after Fetal Cardiac Intervention for Aortic Stenosis with Evolving Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.’ Further information:   CHF’s Factsheet on Aortic Stenosis. Further information:   CHF’s Factsheet on Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Further information:

Jul 18th 2017 - Response from CHF to the proposals from NHS England to implement the standards for congenital heart disease (CHD) services for children and adults in England

1. The capacity in which we are responding  CHF is a national CHD patient/parent led organisation that represents patients with all forms of CHD and their carers. We have taken account of the views expressed by both our partner organisations and by individual parents and carers. 2. Our response to NHS England’s proposal that in […]

17 Jul 2017

17/07/17 - NHS CHD Consultation Final Day

Monday 17 July 2017 is the  last day of the NHS Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) Consultation. Please respond on this final day if you’ve not already done so, to make sure your point of view is part of the CHD conversation. Young people with congenital heart disease views are important for inclusion as well as grown […]

16 Jul 2017

13/07/17 - CHD Consultation: Further Questions and Answers

NHS England has provided information addressing questions that have continued to be raised during the Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) Consultation. To find out more about these questions including ‘Why 125 operations per surgeon, and what is the evidence for this?’ as well as a further 23 questions relating to the consultation, please see further information […]

14 Jul 2017

11/07/17 - NHS Annual Organ Donation and Transplant Activity Report 2016/2017

The total number of patients whose lives were saved or improved by an organ transplant during this time frame increased by 3% to 4,753. Key messages: 6 million people on the opt-in Organ Donor Register (ODR) at March 2017 (36% of the population); 204,518 people on the opt-out ODR at March 2017 with a further […]

11 Jul 2017

19/06/17 - NHS Congenital Heart Disease Consultation

The NHS Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) Consultation has scheduled meetings for the following dates: 19 June 2017      Bristol Royal Infirmary 22 June 2017      Lincolnshire New Life Centre Sleaford 24 June 2017      Royal Brompton Hospital 27 June 2017      Newcastle Civic Centre 27 June 2017      Leicester City Council 28 June 2017      Middlesbrough St […]

16 Jun 2017

16/06/17 - Changes to Adult Congenital Heart Disease Services in the North West

Important Information: 16 June 2017 ‘NHS England is currently conducting a national public consultation on how it will put in place new standards for hospitals providing congenital heart disease services in England. It follows the publication in 2015 of a new set of quality standards for all hospitals providing congenital heart disease services covering both […]

Jun 08th 2017 - Email up and running

We are pleased to report that we now have normal email access. Please contact us at if you require information or assistance.

28 May 2017

22/05/17 - Covering every aspect of the CHD journey

‘Ask Me Anything’ is the new app in development that is currently being created by young adults from CHF partner group Evelina Children’s Heart Organisation (ECHO) together with an app developer to improve transition from children’s to adults’ congenital heart disease (CHD) services. Designer Emily explains more: “The website and app will enable young people […]

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