Changes to Adult Congenital Heart Disease Services in the North West

Important Information: 16 June 2017

‘NHS England is currently conducting a national public consultation on how it will put in place new standards for hospitals providing congenital heart disease services in England. It follows the publication in 2015 of a new set of quality standards for all hospitals providing congenital heart disease services covering both adults and children.

You may already know that as part of that process, NHS England published a plan in June 2016 that they were minded to remove the Adult Congenital Cardiac Surgery services from Manchester Royal Infirmary (not including maternity services) and transfer them to Liverpool. In a subsequent document the transfer of services also included interventional ACHD cardiology procedures. This is currently part of the national consultation. Unfortunately the uncertainty surrounding the future of the services in Manchester has meant that some of our senior doctors have now left the service. As the service is so specialised we have not been able to replace these doctors in the short term, which means that we can no longer provide this service in Manchester. As an organisation, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CMFT) is deeply disappointed and sorry that we are unable to continue to deliver these services at this time. We realise the impact that this will have on your ongoing care and the anxiety this will cause you. We have therefore worked with NHS England to find partners to support us in providing the service during the consultation period.’

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