
12 Apr 2018

12/04/18 - NICE & school based interventions

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is currently looking for people  to join the committee developing a quality standard on school based interventions to improve wellbeing. NICE would particularly welcome applications from: young people (18 years and older) parents and carers of children under 13 years old. Further information:

11 Apr 2018

10/04/18 - The profoundest gift

‘For the first year ever, more than 1,500 people in the UK have donated their organs after they died and this means that more people than ever have had a transplant to transform their life.’ Read about Alex’s story: Find out more about the NHS Organ Donor Register at

09 Apr 2018

09/04/18 - CHF’s most viewed information resource

Find out more about CHF’s most viewed information resource which is our information sheet about Tetralogy of Fallot. Further information:  More details about CHF’s series of information sheets focusing on heart conditions:  More details about CHF’s series of information sheets focusing on caring for a heart child:

Mar 26th 2018 - Rewarding school attendance – what do you think?

Should children be rewarded for school attendance or does it discriminate against children with health conditions? Let us know how you feel about this by completing this facebook poll.  

05 Apr 2018

26/03/18 - Health conditions in schools support

CHF is part of the Health Conditions in Schools Alliance and we’re continuing our work alongside alliance groups for 3 key changes: The changes we need We want to see three simple changes that would make a big difference for all children in school in England living with a medical condition. We want Ofsted to […]

23 Mar 2018

23/03/18 - Pyjamas that bring comfort to children

Is your child or a friend’s baby waiting for a hospital stay or medical procedure? Find out more about a charity that brings comfort and support to young patients and their families in hospitals in the UK. Offering free pyjamas and surgical gowns that are made in beautiful and bright fabrics especially chosen for each […]

22 Mar 2018

22/03/18 - Cardiomyopathy and genetics

Did you know that cardiomyopathy is often genetic and has symptoms such as tiredness, breathlessness and palpitations? Find out more about what symptoms to look out for in your heart child. CHF partner group Cardiomyopathy UK’s video about cardiomyopathy provides further insights. More information:

21 Mar 2018

21/03/18 - World Downs Syndrome Day 2018 goes viral

World Downs Syndrome Day 2018’s awareness message is going viral through five year old Chloe’s totally engaging video invitation to wear odd socks on 21 March, World Downs Syndrome Day.  The video posted by her mum has been viewed by over 21 million. And Chloe’s collegial invitation to celebrate difference is at the heart of […]

21 Mar 2018

19/03/18 - PHE screening standards revision

Following consultation, Public Health England (PHE) have updated their screening standards for Down’s, Edwards’ and Patau’s syndrome.  The revised standards have an implementation date of 01 April 2018. All pregnant women in England are offered a screening test for Down’s syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome and Patau’s syndrome between 10 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. This is […]

16 Mar 2018

12/03/18 - Imaging the pediatric CHD heart

Research cited in Magnetic Resonance Imaging addresses methods to improve the coronary image quality in pediatric patients with a potential congenital heart disease (CHD) diagnosis. Researchers from Kings College London, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Trust, Evelina Children’s Hospital and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center are together investigating this […]

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