World Downs Syndrome Day 2018 goes viral
World Downs Syndrome Day 2018’s awareness message is going viral through five year old Chloe’s totally engaging video invitation to wear odd socks on 21 March, World Downs Syndrome Day. The video posted by her mum has been viewed by over 21 million.
And Chloe’s collegial invitation to celebrate difference is at the heart of a music video by mums with children with the same condition called ’50 Mums, 50 Kids, 1 Extra Chromosome’.
Its positive message has embraced social media and reached national TV too.
What I Bring To My Community is this year’s global message.
The campaign calls ‘…for all people with Downs syndrome to have opportunities to contribute to the community and live valued lives, included on a full and equal basis with others, in all aspects of society.’
- CHF fully support this global campaign.
- Let’s share this message with new friends and communities.
- Find out more about support and information offered to all those affected by a diagnosis of Downs Syndrome via CHF partner group Downs Heart Group.
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