Jun 18th 2020 - Feeding toddlers with heart conditions

Children with heart conditions are often reluctant eaters so need to get the most out of everything they eat and drink. This  book is written by paediatric dietician Luise Marino specifically to help with feeding children with medical conditions. It contains recipes and practical advice about feeding a child with a medical condition. If you […]

Feb 20th 2020 - Rico’s story

My name is Kirsty, I am a mum to a handsome little boy who was born with congenital heart block. In my 28th week of pregnancy I was told that my baby had a serious heart condition and would possibly not survive; he would need surgery the minute he was born. When Rico was born, […]

Jan 06th 2020 - Harper’s story

Told by her mother Ellie On 24th May 2019, we welcomed our beautiful baby girl Harper Sophie Dottie Hall into the world, weighing a tiny 6 lbs 15 oz she was perfect. We had found out at our 20-week scan in January 2019 that Harper had a congenital heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot’s but […]

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