Information Feedback Group
As part of our commitment to providing accurate and easy to understand information we check our information against appropriate academic sources, have it reviewed by experts and members of the community.
Register for our Information Feedback Group
You can complete the short form here to register your interest in becoming part of the Information Feedback Group.
Who we want in this group
We’d like to build a group of people from a diverse range of backgrounds to review our information before it is published. We’re looking mainly to recruit a group of parents and family members of children with a heart condition, as well as professionals with relevant expertise.
What’s involved
Before we publish information we will send you our materials for you to comment on. It’s not an onerous task and we’re really just wanting to check if you think the information is useful and easy to understand. Instructions will be sent with each request about which areas we’d value your opinion. You’re by no means obliged to respond to every request we send and we plan to send no more than a couple of requests every month or so.
The Information Standard
CHF is an Information Standard Certified Member. The Information Standard is a certification scheme for all organisations producing evidence-based health and social care information for the public. It helps the public and patients quickly identify reliable sources of quality, evidence-based information through the use of an easily recognised quality mark.