
14 May 2016

11/04/16 - Bereavement Support Days

CHF member group Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) provide boundless help, support and counselling to those who have been affected by the tragic loss of a young person (aged 35 and under) through a cardiac related condition. CRY’s annual Bereavement Support Days ensure that mums, dads, siblings and partners do not carry that grief […]

14 Apr 2016

07/04/16 - Pediatric & Adult CHD Collaboration

A new doctoral thesis from the Sahlgrenska Academy of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Gothenburg has focused on the adult CHD patient.  And has noted that to best serve the health needs of the adult CHD population, it is vital to establish a close collaboration between pediatric and adult healthcare. Further […]

16 Apr 2016

03/04/16 - 1st International Conference on 3D Printing in Medecine

The 1st  International Conference on 3D printing in Medicine will take place on: 15 – 16 April 2016 in Mainz, Germany. Speakers will include: Dr Simon J. Sonntag – RWTH Aachen University Germany ‘The Application of 3D visualisation and printing methods to plan surgical corrections of complex congenital heart defects.’   Adam W. Feinberg – Carnegie […]

03 Apr 2016

29/03/16 - Spring into summer!

You may already know that if you belong to CHF member group Heartline Families and are registered on Heartline’s database, you may be able to apply for a FREE wetsuit for your heart child so that they’ll be ready for the summer and swimming pool! The wetsuit is available FREE to all registered on the […]

28 Mar 2016

24/03/16 - Easter Time

The Children’s Heart Federation (CHF) wishes all our wonderful families and children a very happy and peaceful Easter Time with many special and wonderful family moments. Please know that should you have any queries over the Easter Weekend you are welcome to contact CHF via our email address: This Easter we especially remember families […]

08 Apr 2016

23/03/16 - Transition success

Are you a teenager who’s just about to transition from child to adult CHD services? Your CHF needs YOU! – & your views! Please email us at: and let us know your experiences on transition! What worked? What didn’t! What services should improve? And any other comments on transition that you think CHF should […]

28 Mar 2016

21/03/16 - Care Quality Commission (CQC) Visit

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of all health and social care services in England. The CQC register, monitor and inspect services to make sure they provide safe, effective, compassionate, high quality care, and also encourage improvement. The CQC will shortly be inspecting services provided by The Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS […]

21 Mar 2016

17/03/16 - World Down Syndrome Day

CHF are focusing ahead to World Down Syndrome Day that will take place this year on: Monday 21 March 2016 And we reflect on the significant start to 2016 where insights into the genetic basis for Down Syndrome and it’s associated heart defects were further discerned through the collaborative research of Prof Victor Tybulewicz of […]

18 Mar 2016

14/03/16 - Play resources for disabled children

Play is an amazing way that all children and especially disabled children can learn about their environment giving them a fantastic opportunity to express their feelings and contribute their invaluable voice! If you would like to find out more about games that all children can play including disabled children and their siblings, the link below […]

16 Mar 2016

10/03/16 - The Artificial Heart

Save the date for a FREE talk on the development and potential of ‘The Artificial Heart’. ‘… the first fully implantable artificial hearts are in use. Previously considered a bridge to heart transplantation, they are now being considered as potentially successful treatments in their own right, a ‘destination’ therapy’. This FREE talk by Prof Martin […]

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