Tell your MP to #SENDABetterMessage
Some but not all children with heart conditions are disabled, but please join CHF in supporting the Disabled Children’s Partnership to help create a fairer support system for all disabled children and their families.
The Disabled Children’s Partnership (DCP) is calling on the government to use its SEND reform programme to create a more just, fairer system of support for disabled children and families.
The #SENDABetterMessage campaign launches in response to the SEND Green Paper, which sets out government plans to change how disabled children’s education, health and care works.
Interested in getting involved and supporting di?
- Email your MP and tell them to help reform disabled children’s services.
- Campaign digitally – record a video or write a blog for the campaign sharing your experiences and put pressure on those in power.
- Sign-up to the DCP campaign network to receive the latest updates and actions.
More about the SEND review Green Paper and consultation
The SEND Green Paper is a discussion document, which sets out the changes the government want to make to the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and alternative provision (AP) system in England. The government has now opened a public consultation on its proposals – your chance to have your say on the government’s plans.
We encourage you to have your say on these important proposals. You can submit your response to the consultation via this GOV.UK webpage. The consultation ends on Friday 1 July 2022. You don’t have to respond to any question you don’t want to, and you don’t need to compete the survey in one go. You can save and return at a time most convenient for you.