7th March AEPC Conference
AEPC Conference: Neurodevelopment and Psychosocial Care from Foetus to Adult 7th to 9th March.
CHF attended this conference to promote the work of CHF to health care professionals and to learn more about how heart conditions can affect children’s development and psychological well-being. The full programme can be downloaded here and the presentation by Philip Moons Body modification: Are tattoos and piercings safe for patients with CHD? is currently playing on the CHF website homepage.
There was strong interest in the condition specific related information sheets, the Molly’s Dollies and Rosie and Violet books. One cardiologist who visited the stand said that she used the CHF condition related information sheets regularly and particularly liked them because of their straight forward language. The information sheets can be downloaded here or printed versions can be ordered by emailing info@chfed.org.uk