This is Surrey - Santa Cruise skate challenge planned by North Holmwood woman

Each of the skaters will don festive costumes on their longboards –an elongated, faster version of a skateboard – to help raise awareness of those with congenital heart defects.

Ms Brown, of Hartswood, North Holmwood, said she and friend Sam Bonathan, of Farnborough, had been called “crazy” for taking part in the event, which will take several hours as they skate up the A4 from London to Windsor.

“We have been called mad for doing it because it is a very long way to go and it’s going to be completely freezing,” she said.

“But it is for a fantastic cause and I am sure that will see us through. We are both really excited about it and we love to skate, and we are passionate about the charity, so it’s a great match up. It has been very hard work getting ready for this moment and there have been times where we have really worried but the support we’ve received has been excellent.”

The pair has already raised more than £600 of their target figure of £750. To donate, go to


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