Safe in School event at Parliament

CHF’s keeping the positive momentum of our recently held successful Parliamentary Day and look forward to engaging directly with MPs again at Parliament on Monday 23 October 2017 at the Safe in School event.

A member of the Health Conditions in Schools Alliance, CHF will be participating on this day, together with parents; volunteers and children with medical conditions.

The Safe in School event offers CHF and our heart children and families a dynamic platform of information exchange.

MP’s can hear and ask questions at first hand, regarding our requests that we’re inviting them to consider.

These are:

  • Asking the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) to include as a part of their regular inspections, a check of schools’ medical conditions in schools policies;


  • And we would like the Department of Education to ensure schools have their medical conditions policies published on their website so that parents; carers; teachers and teaching assistants are also fully aware of them too.

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