Phineas's Story
told by mum.
Phineas (Phin) was born with an incredibly complex heart, among his defects he had several holes, his left lung was only connected via a tiny conduit and his pulmonary artery was missing. If the sonographer hadn’t picked up on his defects at our 20 week scan there is a chance he may not have survived long after birth.
Luckily they did and he spent his first 8 weeks in Great Ormond Street where the surgeons worked their magic. In his first 7 months he had four heart procedures including two open heart surgeries. He also spent a short amount of time on life support when a clot nearly blocked one of his tiny arteries.
Phin lives a fairly normal life and other than a significant speech delay you wouldn’t know that he was any different. He goes to school with his twin sister and loves maths. He knows he has a ‘special heart’ and that means lots of check ups and appointments that his siblings don’t have but he doesn’t seem to mind.
His condition is like a cross between truncus arteriosis and pulmonary atresia but he doesn’t really tick the box of either.
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