MP Tessa supports campaign to save children with heart problems

Local MP Tessa Munt, met Alex Smith, a parent whose child’s heart condition went undiagnosed for over two years, and has backed a new campaign which seeks to increase early diagnosis of children’s heart conditions.

Tessa was pleased to support the HEART campaign launched by the Children’s Heart Federation that aims to inform parents of the warning signs of a possible heart condition and empower them, giving them the confidence to raise their concerns about their child’s health with their doctor.

Alex Smith, mum of Georgina said, “We really understand the importance of early diagnosis and how our lives would have been so different in the early days of Georgina’s life if we had known what was really wrong with her. This is why this campaign is really so important and why I’m glad it has Tessa’s support”.

Tessa commented, “I am delighted to support the Think HEART campaign as it is a fantastic cause. I’m happy to spread the message in the local area to as many parents as possible so that we can increase early detection and make sure that children with heart problems get the correct diagnosis sooner. This campaign can help save lives and reduce stress and suffering for children and their whole family”.

You can get involved with the campaign by visiting


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