Leicester Mercury - MP throws support behind heart campaign

MP for North West Leicestershire, Andrew Bridgen, is backing a national “think heart” campaign.

It is being run by the Children’s heart Foundation to tell parents about the warning signings of possible heart problems and to follow life-saving guidance.

The campaign provides parents with five easy signs to spot a heart problems.

They include looking out for whether children are too sleepy and tired, checking their temperature and whether their breathing is too fast or too slow.

Mr Bridgen said: “Every year, 5,000 babies are born with heart disease.

“However, only a third are detected before birth.

“Delays in diagnosis cause uncertainly, distress, physical harm and can even lead to risks to life for these young children.

“I urge parents across North West Leicestershire to look out for the five ‘think heart’ signs to ensure that any problems are quickly identified and managed effectively.”

Anne Keatley-Clarke, chief executive of the Children’s Heart Federation said: “We are grateful for Mr Bridgen’s support.

“We hope the encouragement alerts parents to the importance of checking the health of their children’s heart condition and it gives them the confidence to raise the issue with their doctor or health professional.”

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