Imogen's Story
told by Grandmother
We found out at the 20 weeks scan that Imogen had hypoplastic left heart syndrome which was devastating. Imogen was born on the 3rd August 2016 and was taken to the Freeman hospital after a couple of hours.
She had her first open heart when she was 2 days old which was the Norwood operation and she done really well she went home for about 4 months when she started to get really poorly and was admitted to the Freeman hospital again were she had her 2nd open heart to repair her aortic arch and pulmonary arteries on the 13 January 2017.
Imogen stayed in the Freeman hospital until her 3rd open heart on the 9th of March 2017 which was her glenn operation, she coped really well and after a few month she came home and has always been such a happy little girl and never let anything get in her way and loves school she is just a amazing and strong little girl.
Imogen was admitted to Freeman hospital on the 11th of September 2023 and had her 4th open heart which was the fontan procedure, on the 12th September things were really rocky and she had to go onto dialysis but after 3 weeks on picu she was transferred onto high dependency unit and just over a week later we got to go home it was hard for her and still is but she’s so strong and doing well.
She was nominated by her cardiac nurses for the brave hearts award which we attended on the 23rd of November23 she had a amazing day and she deserved every minute of it.
If you have been affected by any of the issues raised in this content you can contact or 0300 561 0065.