Do you want to share your experiences to help others?

Are you a parent or carer of a child with a long-term medical condition or disability  who has been ill with a flu-like illness? is a website about people’s real experiences of health and illness. We are looking for PARENTS with children who:

  • Are 12 and under
  • Have been ill with a flu-like illness
  • Have a long-term heart condition

Taking part would involve being interviewed about your experiences of your child being ill with a flu-like illness, including managing the illness, consulting the doctor, the impact on the family and the family’s information and support needs.

 The aim of the research is to create an information resource that can help others who might be in a similar situation. We also hope it will be used to improve health professionals’ understanding and support for parents and families.

 For more information, please contact our researcher Ulla. If you decide you do not want to take part – no problem!

 Thank you!


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