COVID-19 coronavirus advice and information from CHF
COVID-19 coronavirus general information
It is good to keep informed by trustworthy sources.
An easy to read guide from Public Health England, please share.
General advice and information produced by the Citizens Advice bureau.
Social distancing
Public Health England advises that vulnerable groups should practice social distancing stringently.
- Most children with heart conditions are not in the vulnerable groups, this guidance from the BCCA states the following are classed as vulnerable.
- Single ventricle patients or those palliated with a Fontan (Total Cavopulmonary Connection) circulation
- Infants under 1 year with unrepaired congenital heart disease requiring surgery or catheter intervention e.g. VSD, AVSD or tetralogy of Fallot
- Those with chronic cyanosis (oxygen saturations <85% persistently)
- Patients with severe cardiomyopathies requiring medication
- Patients with congenital heart disease on medication to improve heart function
- Patients with pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs) requiring medication
- Patients who have undergone heart transplantation
- Patients with congenital heart disease and significant co-existing conditions e.g. chronic kidney disease or chronic lung disease.
Benefits etc.
Advice on taking time off work to care for someone
Advice about benefits and support
Turn2Us is a useful website to find out more about benefits:
The latest social welfare law updates relating to the coronavirus, reviewed daily.
GPs and pharmacies
If a GP surgery closes due to Coronavirus or short staffing, then NHS out of hours service should be used.
Further information from the NHS on support from pharmacies.
Hospital appointments
Hospitals are cancelling non urgent appointments, if you haven’t been contacted check before making your journey.
Other co-morbidities
Children with heart conditions may have other co-morbities, these NICE guidelines may be helpful.
Schools are closed, with the exception children of keyworkers and vulnerable children. Parents of children with heart conditions who are keyworkers and who are unsure about whether they should attend school should check first with their child’s cardiac nurse.