Congenital Heart Disease Conference 27 - 30 Oct 2015


European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS)

Congenital Heart Disease Conference

27-30 October 2015 (4 day course) Windsor, UK

Course Director/s

V Hraska, Sankt Augustin

Course Overview

A course on surgical anatomy, physiology and principles of surgical and non-surgical treatment of congenital heart diseases for advanced residents and junior congenital heart surgeons

Course Format

12 modules will cover the majority of congenital heart diseases:

  1. Fallots tetralogy
  2. Double outlet right ventricle
  3. Truncus arterious
  4. Total anomalous pulmonary venous return and anomalous venous drainage
  5. Atrioventricular septal defect both partial and complete and complex
  6. Mitral and tricuspid valve disease
  7. Left ventricular outflow tract and aortic valve disease; surgery of the left ventricular outflow tract
  8. Vascular rings, coarctation of the aorta and interruption of the aortic arch
  9. Transposition of the great arteries
  10. Complex transposition and congenitally corrected transposition
  11. Univentricular heart – neonatal palliation, including hybrid approach
  12. Univentricular heart – staged palliations, Bidirectional Glenn, Fontan

A wetlab will be held on the final dayCourse Fee

Members: €465 inclusive of 20% UK VAT

Non-Members: €565 inclusive of 20% UK VAT

Fee includes lunches, refreshments and dinners on Tuesday 27 and Thursday 29 October 2015

*Scholarships are available for this course – for further information please click here

Target Audience

Surgeons specifically in training for congenital surgery

Learning Objectives

Introduction – elaborating anatomy, nomenclature, principles of perfusions and diagnostic tools

Modules – to provide interactive teaching of specific congenital heart disease

Wetlab –  to provide hands on training of different surgical techniques

Competency to be acquiredKnowledge and comprehension, decision-making, recognition of key technical considerations of different operations for congenital heart diseases, practice-based learning and improvement, medical professionalism, evidence and guidelines.

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