Coffee & Questions

CHF Coffee & Questions are a series of online events, on a variety of subjects relevant to families with children with heart conditions

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Previous Events

Mental Health – Mindset Techniques and Tools

Mental wellbeing expert and coach, Anji delivers strategies-based workshop to help support carers with their wellbeing and mental health.

Individual Health Care Plans

Rujney, Lead Special Educational Needs Specialist and Karen, CHF Trustee, Heart-Mum and Nurse, take you through our individual healthcare plan template document.

Mental Health – Self Care for Carers

Mental wellbeing expert and coach, Anji delivers strategies-based workshop to help support carers with their wellbeing and mental health.

Mental Health – Tips and Techniques

Heads2Minds Charity sharing their tips and techniques to support the mental health for children with heart conditions.

Mediterranean Diet and Lifestyle 

Learn all about the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet and how it is heart healthy.

DLA & PIP Advice and Guidance 

As a Judicial Office Holder, Anne shares her knowledge and experience in respect of claims DLA and PIP applications.

Introduction to Genetics

Ellie, genetic counsellor discusses genetics.

Sharing Healthcare Decisions with your Child

Discussing sharing healthcare knowledge and decisions with your child.

Cost of Living

Citizens Advice Braintree discussing managing the cost of living crisis.

Looking After your Teeth 

Mina, consultant in paediatric dentistry at Guys and St Thomas NHS foundation trust discussing managing cardiac patients and oral health.

CHF Resources

Look further into the resources CHF provide.

Medicines for Children with Heart Conditions

Dr Khushnood, consultant in paediatric & congenital cardiology, discussing medicines for heart children.

Travelling with a Child with a Heart Condition

Letitia, from a travel company speaking about travelling and holidays with a child with a heart condition.

Talking to your Child about their Heart Conditions

Lorna, senior health play specialist from Alder Hey Children’s Hospital discussing talking to young children about their heart condition.

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