CHF Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland 2014 – a Great Success!

12-15 December 2014, Butlins Holiday Park, Bognor Regis

The 2014 Winter Wonderland trip was a wonderful weekend, enjoyed by all.  CHF took 21 families away for a Christmas themed weekend at the fantastic Butlins at Bognor Regis.

The weekend included the indoor water park, a Christmas banquet, ice skating, a walk along the beach, an arts and crafts morning, a visit from Santa, tickets to a legendary Butlins pantomime and all the activities the resort has to offer.  The families made new friends and new connections that have lasted since the trip.  The weekend was staffed by the CHF family support team which includes staff, volunteers, trustees and cardiac specialist medical staff.  This trip is for all the family, parents and siblings included.

CHF are looking forward to the 2015 Christmas weekend, which will be another perfect opportunity for families and heart children make new friends and get a much needed treat and rest.


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