CHF's Letter to Mr Simon Stevens CEO NHS England
Mr Simon Stevens
NHS (England)
Skipton House
28th November 2017
Dear Mr Stevens
We hope that the decision to be made by the NHS (England) Board on 30th November regarding the Congenital Heart Service will end the uncertainty that currently exists and will enable all concerned with the care of patients with congenital heart disease move forward to the next stage of implementing the clinical standards and specification that should have taken effect in April 2016.
We recognise that it is unlikely that all the existing service providers will be able to achieve the Standards relating to the minimum of 500 cases for 4 surgeons or the co-location of paediatric CHD services by 2021 which will result in further changes to the service. We therefore need to understand how future changes will be managed and ask that a transparent process and timetable is quickly published.
We note that The Royal Brompton, at the end of the most recent consultation offered a solution to their problem with co-location of paediatric heart services with other paediatric services by proposing the establishment of a brand new facility jointly with St Thomas’ and Guys.
Whilst we welcome this idea, we hope that before a great deal of money and time is spent on analysing this, there is a review of the 2009 plan ”Improving services for children’s congenital heart service in London” drafted by RB and GOS proposing joint-working to ensure that the current proposal is and not simply another delaying tactic raising false hope amongst parents.
We look forward to receiving your reply and engaging with you for the future betterment of congenital heart services.
Yours sincerely,
Julie Wootton Anne KeatleyClarke
Julie Wootton Anne Keatley-Clarke
Chair of CHF CE of CHF