Sep 03rd 2019 - Need for families to talk about organ donation as 2,500 potential transplants missed last year – press release from NHS blood & transplant

NHS Blood and Transplant is urging people to talk to their families during Organ Donation Week (September 2 to 8) as figures show around 2,500 organs, each representing an opportunity for transplant, were missed in the last year because families said no to donating their relative’s organs. Despite record levels of organ donation, family refusals […]

Sep 02nd 2019 - Organ donation week

Today marks the beginning of organ donation week. CHF is thankful to donors who have donated their hearts and saved the lives of children and young people. CHF also wants to encourage people to make an informed decision about whether they want to donate their organs after death, and once that decision has been made […]

21 August 2019

21/08/19 -

A big thank you to all our supporters and fundraisers. Did you know there are several ways you can donate to CHF? We get enquiries about this from time to time so just to clarify, you can make a payment in the following ways: Debit or credit card – this payment will be processed by […]

16 August 2019

16/08/19 - Fundraising stars

On Sunday Julia Dancy is taking part in a “Big brutal swim” to raise funds for CHF. We are very grateful to her and all our fundraising stars who we rely on to do the work we do. Could you be one of our fundraising stars?  

14 Aug 2019

14/08/19 - Organ donation law to change

Today CHF attended a meeting of the NHS Blood and Transplant group. They are trying to make people aware of a law change that is taking place next year when an opt out system of organ donation will come into place. CHF is in favour of this change which will make more organs available for […]

8 August 2019

08/08/19 - Krystal speaks out for pulse oximetry

Krystal Aveling and her daughter Poppy tell the tale of Poppy’s birth and her heart condition and the importance of pulse oximetry. This is your last chance to respond to the public consultation.  

26 July 2019

26/07/19 - Tell your experience of hospital experiences to help improve services

Complete this survey to tell of your experiences of hospital appoinments. These reports will provide a valuable tool in enabling centres to better understand and respond to patients’ and parent/carers’ experience of care.

16 July 2019

16/07/19 - Pulse oximetry survey

Support the campaign for pulse oximetry by completing this simple survey created by fellow heart charity Tiny Tickers.

10 July 2019

10/07/19 - Comment for The Lancet on pulse oximetry screening

Professor Andrew Ewer and colleagues make the case for all babies in the UK to be screened for heart defects at birth. CHF continues to support this campaign. Please make your voice heard by responding to the public consultation.    

1 July 2019

01/07/19 - Molly Monday – how to order a Molly’s Dolly

Often people contact us confused as to how to pay for a Molly’s Dolly and ensure that it receives the correct scarring. There are two parts to the procedure. Order the doll from the shop, you can choose the doll you would like and can pay for it there. There is no way at this […]

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