
17 Feb 2017

13/02/17 - The ARCHIE Study: The early use of Antibiotics for ‘at Risk’ CHildren with InfluEnza

‘This project is investigating the effect of giving antibiotics to children of 6 months to 12 years old with long-term conditions in the first five days of developing flu or flu-like illness to see if it helps prevent complications. This includes children with heart conditions. The Study is working with NHS sites across England and […]

12 Feb 2017

10/02/17 - Do you care for a child with special educational needs and disabilities?

The Whole School SEND Consortium is running their first Summit on 23 February 2017 in London. This will be an opportunity for all who care and work alongside children with special educational needs to meet together and create a new and dynamic forum to improve outcomes for children with SEND. This event will take place at: The […]

Feb 09th 2017 - NHS England CHD Consultation

NHS England’s consultation on proposals for Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) services took place: 09 February 2017 until 23.59 on Monday 17 July 2017 All details, proposals and lists of events and activities both digital and face to face that were held can be found on the consultation hub. Further information:​ If you have any […]

09 Feb 2017

09/02/17 - Organ Donation: The profoundest gift

CHF are participating today in the Organ Donation Campaign Forum Meeting. Please let CHF know via if there are specific views that you would like to be encompassed in this organ transplantation awareness meeting. Please help us increase awareness of organ donation. All communities and individuals can make a profound change. Further information about […]

08 Feb 2017

06/02/17 - CHD Awareness 2017

The Children’s Heart Federation (CHF) is doubling our congenital heart disease (CHD) awareness message this year. Let us know if there are specific issues that you would like to be addressed. This week CHF will be attending a National Council for Children’s Health & Wellbeing meeting with other key CHD and NGO representatives . Please […]

05 Feb 2017

31/01/17 - Heart Month 2017

CHF’s Heart Month Twenty – Seven – Teen! We’re aware from your feedback how our informational resources and Molly’s dollies help support heart children on their CHD journey.  And thank you for taking time to send in comments & photos of your child & their Molly’s dolly. This February Heart Month, CHF’s Mollies have asked us […]

31 Jan 2017

30/01/17 - CHF’s Fundraising Stars

New week and a new BIG thank you to CHF’s Fundraising Stars! It’s your fantastic fundraising efforts that help CHF to support our inspiring heart children and families! Every effort makes a world of difference.  Thank you – to each one of you. Further information:

27 Jan 2016

25/01/17 - CHD update on devices to heat & cool blood during some heart surgery

If you or your child have had heart valve replacement or repair surgery, or a heart or lung transplant since January 2013 you should be aware that Public Health England (PHE), the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority (MHRA) and NHS England have carried out an investigation suggesting that some hospitals have used a device used […]

21 Jan 2017

21/01/17 - Comment on Leeds doctor, Nihal Weerasena, being found guilty of misconduct

The Children’s Heart Federation (CHF) was disappointed but not surprised at the news that Dr Nihal Weerasena, a paeadiatric congenital heart surgeon from Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust (LTHT) has been found guilty of misconduct by the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS). As the national charity concerned with congenital heart disease, CHF has access to a […]

Jan 12nd 2017 - Find out more about mini-tablets trial

Interested in knowing about accurate dosaging of medicine for children? The Children’s Heart Federation is a partner in a European-wide trial dispensing tiny tablets in order to provide accurate dosages of Enalapril to children under 12. If anybody would like to know more about this trial, please contact

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