
Oct 13rd 2021 - Eleven things to know about COVID vaccines and kids hearts

In this American health blog a paediatric cardiologist from the USA answers many of the questions parents have been asking about vaccines, COVID and children with heart conditions. Please give your feedback.

Oct 05th 2021 - SHARE Study – Impact of COVID19 on the lives of children with heart conditions

How has COVID19 impacted the lives of children with heart conditions and their families? The SHARE study is looking at the impact COVID19 has had on participants lives regarding physical (exercise, eating, sleeping) and emotional (anxiety and mood) wellbeing as well as distress experienced. The survey includes two open ended questions on reflections on positive […]

Sep 22nd 2021 - Vaccinating children aged 12 to 15 

All children aged 12 to 15 will be offered a 1st dose of a COVID-19 vaccine  and parents and guardians will get a letter with information about when the vaccine will be offered. Most children will be given their vaccine at school. The 12-15 year olds with heart conditions who should be offered two doses of the Pfizer […]

Jun 23rd 2021 - Heart siblings impact study

Lizzie Bichard a cardiac nurse and one of the speakers at a recent CHF Coffee and Questions evening is conducting a study on the impact having a child with a heart condition can have on their siblings. This is part of her Phd, Lizzie interviewed some heart siblings last year, this is a continuation of […]

Apr 14th 2021 - Join in

CHF SUPPORTERS INVITED TO CELEBRATE CAPTAIN SIR TOM’S ACHIEVEMENTS IN SPECIAL FUNDRAISING EVENT New fundraising initiative over Captain Tom’s birthday weekend of Friday 30 April to Bank Holiday Monday 3 May to celebrate his life and amazing achievements Captain Tom 100 invites people all over the world to take on a challenge based around the number […]

Feb 22nd 2021 - World-first paediatric heart transplant technique boosts number of life-saving operations for children in the UK

Using a technique that ‘reanimates’ the heart outside of the body, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Royal Papworth Hospital and NHS Blood & Transplant expand the donor pool and perform six paediatric heart transplants in 2020 Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and Royal Papworth Hospital (RPH) have collaborated to introduce a world-first paediatric heart transplant technique […]

Jan 21st 2021 - The impact of the first wave of COVID-19 on those with lifelong conditions: a case study of congenital heart disease

CHF has been involved, alongside other heart-charities in the CHAMPION study, the first part of which looked at the impact of COVID-19 on adults and children with heart conditions. CHF ran an online forum in a closed Facebook group where parents could answer a series of questions and also debate with each other. The results […]

21 Dec 2020

21/12/20 - Impact of COVID-19 on patients with congenital heart disease

A summary of international papers researching the impact of COVID-19 on patients with congenital heart disease. Download here. If your child is unfortunate enough to text positive for COVID-19 please inform their cardiac team so their data can be added to the UK study.  

Nov 18th 2020 - Webinars for parents of children with heart conditions

Supporting your child coming into hospital. 23rd November 2020, 11am. Managing impact of a having a child with a heart condition, for parents. 30th November 2020, 1pm. Supporting siblings of a child with a heart condition. 7th December 2020, 11am

Nov 12nd 2020 - Updated information from BCCA and RCPCH in light of new lockdown.

The BCCA (British Congenital Cardiac Association) have updated their guidance for patients, parents, charities and support groups in light of the national lockdown for England. They can be read here. This advice is that those in the clinically extremely vulnerable group no longer need to follow previous shielding advice. Guidance advises attending school and returning […]

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