An invitation to get involved in NHS England’s review into paediatric critical care and specialised surgery

NHS England is leading a national review into paediatric critical care and specialised surgery.

  • The aim of the review is to ensure that services are sustainable for the future and that they deliver high quality, fair and equal care to children and families, as close to home as possible.
  • NHS England is keen to test its initial thinking about the key issues to address and potential solutions with patients, the public, and interested voluntary sector groups.
  • To start engagement, NHS England will be holding three webinars with more opportunities to follow.


Paediatric Critical Care and Specialised Surgery Third Sector and Patient/ Parent Groups Webinar

Thursday 05 January 2017
10:30 am – GMT Time (London, GMT) – 1 hr


Paediatric Critical Care and Paediatric Specialised Surgery Review: Surgery Webinar

Thursday 05 January 2017
12:30 pm – GMT Time (London, GMT) – 1 hr


Paediatric Critical Care and Paediatric Specialised Surgery Service Review: PICs and ECMO Webinar

Thursday 05 January 2017
2:00 pm  |  GMT Time (London, GMT)  |  1 hr 30 mins


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