Adam's Story

told by Adam


I was born in 1986 at Scunthorpe General Hospital and was diagnosed with Aortic Stenosis at birth.

Throughout childhood, I was under the care of Dr Parsons and Dr Evans for all my cardiac appointments.

At aged 10, I had a balloon procedure and continued with yearly outpatient appointments at Scunthorpe General Hospital.

Around the age of 15, during an exercise test, they detected deterioration, and I was put on the waiting list for further surgery.

In 2003 I underwent the Ross procedure at Leeds General Infirmary under the care of Mr Kevin Watterson and his amazing team! I was in surgery for 7 hours and everything went as planned. Although I was left with elevated blood pressure and have been on medication since.

I continue with yearly checkups at Leeds General Infirmary with some fantastic professionals and I am now part of the Yorkshire and Humber PPRG and recently appointed to the NHSE Clinical Reference Group – Congenital Heart Disease Services.


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